Maureen came to SWAN Rehab, a Rehab Without Walls Clinic, as a stroke survivor after suffering a stroke about eight years prior. She had awoken from a nap feeling a strange sensation when she quickly realized the left side of her body was completely paralyzed. Eventually Maureen was able to call 911 and she received treatment for an ischemic stroke (blood clot).
After three weeks in an acute rehab hospital, Maureen was then immediately discharged to begin her neuro rehab therapy with SWAN. She mentions one of the many benefits she gained as a stroke survivor is being able to enjoy new friendships, work with empathetic and gifted therapists, and to meet other survivors through her journey.
Maureen returned to therapy at SWAN in January 2024 after a four year absence. Her therapists Lauren Feller and Haley Kimble give her therapeutic exercises to enhance her abilities to the fullest. Maureen was invited to be SWAN’s Stroke Support presenter at February’s support group. SWAN was honored to hear her story and be reminded of the resilience it takes to be the best you can be every day.
“Since my stroke in 2015, I’ve reconnected with my enjoyment of writing with creating the Stroke Recovery Solutions blog in 2019, and writing a book of my own I began in 2000, titled Turning Point Moments, Vol 2., that I plan to finish this year. Writing has really helped me throughout my recovery!” stated Maureen.