Young male trainer and a senior woman training in the park Young male trainer and a senior woman training in the park


We’re here to support individuals, families, and caregivers.

Whether you have been on this journey for a while or you’re just starting out, recovery from a neurological injury or illness can be an overwhelming experience. Our team at Rehab Without Walls® is here to provide clear information and helpful resources to individuals, their family members, and other caregivers.

We are happy to provide resource information for the following areas:

Young military officer thanks therapist for help with PTSD

Case Management

Clinical coordinators play a crucial role in the recovery process of individuals who have a complex brain injury, spinal cord injury, or neurological condition. They are also a key member of our Rehab Without Walls® team.

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Two physical therapists in rehab setting

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about Rehab Without Walls® and our unique approach to neuro rehab. Here are some common questions we receive.

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An elderly woman in wheelchair with dog

Funding, Insurance and Worker's Compensation

Rehab for a brain, spinal cord injury, or other neurological condition can be a long, complex, and costly journey. That’s why we at Rehab Without Walls ® work closely with insurance companies, helping them understand the value of neuro rehab, helping individuals receive coverage for the care they need.

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Teenage sisters, one in a wheelchair

Patient, Family and Caregiver Resources

As the advocate for your family member or friend, you play a key role in the Rehab Without Walls® NeuroSolutions team. You are needed. Your thoughts and loving care are important. You’re our trusted partners in helping your loved one achieve long-lasting recovery, maximum independence, and the highest quality of life.

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Male rehab patient in therapy

Referral Guide for Healthcare Providers

Building strong relationships with physicians and case managers is a top priority for us. Here’s what you need to know about referring a patient to Rehab Without Walls®.

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Patient Tim is standing in the middle of his two therapists. He is smiling, wears glasses, and wearing a dark green sweatshirt with the words blessed on it. The therapist to the right of him is a woman wearing an orange sweatshirt and glasses. The therapist to his left is a woman with dark curly hair smiling. She is wearing a black cardigan with bright flowers.
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Therapy happens everywhere. Even sitting on the dock of the bay.
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