Mature man working on motor skills in rehabilitation center Mature man working on motor skills in rehabilitation center

Occupational Therapy

At Rehab Without Walls® we believe occupational therapy (OT) is an
essential part of your recovery.

Occupational therapy assists individuals across their lifespan to participate in the activities they want and need to complete through the therapeutic use of daily activities, also known as occupations.

Our occupational therapy practitioners utilize a holistic approach where the focus is on adapting the environment and/or task to each individual. In all our settings, the individual, family, and care team are an integral part of the plan. The holistic approach utilized by our team enables individuals of all ages to live life to the fullest, along with promoting health.

Occupational therapy services typically include:

  • A comprehensive evaluation, during which the individual, their family, along with the occupational therapist determine the individual’s goals.
  • Self-care training – eating, bathing, dressing, and grooming.
  • Development of adaptive strategies for daily activities.
  • Individualized interventions to improve the individual’s ability to perform daily activities and reach the goals established.
  • An outcomes evaluation to ensure that the individual’s goals are being met and/or to modify the intervention plan to better facilitate recovery or independence.

At Rehab Without Walls®, we strive to create therapies with a primary goal of increased or complete return to independence.

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